CSS: Definition, Importance and History

Welcome friends to Blogger Codemaster. This is our another post. So in this post, I would like to introduce you to CSS which enriches HTML coding with style and colours. I think most of you will have at least some knowledge about CSS as well as it is a necessary for an attractive blog or website. If you don't know about it, no problem! You will get to know about it in this post itself. 

So let's get started with our today's topic - CSS.



Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language usually used in HTML pages for styling posts and pages with colours and animation. It is a important building block of World World Web, along with HTML and Javascript.

Importance of using CSS in HTML pages:

  • CSS is used to represent styles for web pages, including the colours, animation, positions, layout and other related design elements.
  • We do not have to mention the styles for every common element with same style. We can use the attribute 'class' and mention the style in <style> only once.

Why CSS was made?

HTML was NEVER intended to include tags to format a web page!

HTML was created only to describe the content of a web page, like:


<p>Welcome to Blogger Codemaster.</p>

<code>The code tags are used for input code scripts in text format.</code>


After tags like <font>, and color attributes were added to HTML in its 3.2 version specification, it made a big problem for web developers as the development and coding of large and huge websites, where colors and customized layout design was required to be added to each page. It became a costly and slow process which took a long time.


To solve this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) presented CSS on December 17, 1996.


CSS reduced the repeated mentioning of style codes in 'style' attributes as it was easier to understand and identify.

All Versions of CSS :

  • CSS 1.0 - 17 Dec 1996.
  • CSS 2.0 - May 1998.
  • CSS 2.1 - 12 April 2011.
  • CSS 3.0 - 17 Dec 1996.
  • CSS 4.0 - early 2020.


Here, we come to the end of our another post. We will discuss various other interseting topics in our upcoming posts. 


So uptil then I bid you a goodbye😇. 

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